
Outstanding Academic Performance

     Being the first choice for junior high school girls in central Taiwan, the school 
has annually seen the great majority of its graduates admitted to prestigious universities. 
We are proud to see them have a place in the fields of law, finance, economy, medicine, 
information technology and engineering. A noticeable percentage of TCGS alumna have been 
judges and doctors by profession. The school hopes to develop talented young ladies 
who will make differences to Taiwan and the world.


The Prospects of the Future

     Under the excellent leadership and management of the previous principals, the school
is well equipped with convenient teaching facilities. With the help of our capable faculty
members, the students' academic performances have been developed to a higher level. From 
now on, our school will develop further on the basis of its good traditions. Besides, 
the Union Building, which is now under construction, will allow students more space for 
activities in the near future.

     Furthermore, we plan to build a students' dormitory, which will accommodate all the 
students from far away and thus save them the trouble of looking for houses and the 
inconveniences of commuting.

     What's more, the construction of research laboratories for teachers and the study 
hall for students will further help the teachers promote their research and teaching.

ADD: No.95, Sec. 1, Zihyou Rd., West District, Taichung City 403,  Taiwan (R.O.C.)
URL: http://www.tcgs.tc.edu.tw
TEL: (04)2220-5108
FAX: (04)2223-2741


