

● Principal

● Office of Academic Affairs

   Academic Affairs Division

   Registrar's Division

   Equipment and supplies Division

   Special Education Division

● Office of Student Affairs

   Extra-curricular Activities Division

   Life Guidance Division

   Health Service Division

   Physical Education Division

● Office of General Affairs

   Documents and Files Division

   General Affairs Division



Parent Association

     To connect our school and student's families, and make our education well-developed,
we established Parent Association by rules. All the members of Parent Association come from
the parent association in each class.

The duties the president has in charge of are as follows:

1.  To help our school do the activities of parental education and esteeming         

2.  To support all kinds of in-school and out-school activities, such as important
    events, contests, literary creation and field trips.

3.  To contribute to every construction at our school.

4.  To proclaim the decent reputation of the performance of our school and promote 
    our public relations.

5.  To hold fellowship-promoting activities among teachers, committee members and


Alumna Association


This alumna association was established in June, 1989, and its main functions include:

1.  Going with school activities

2.  Strengthening the service of a alumnae

3.  Regular meeting and reunion

4.  Issuing periodicals regularly

ADD: No.95, Sec. 1, Zihyou Rd., West District, Taichung City 403,  Taiwan (R.O.C.)
URL: http://www.tcgs.tc.edu.tw
TEL: (04)2220-5108
FAX: (04)2223-2741


